The Benefits Of Double Glazed uPVC Windows

The Benefits Of Double Glazed uPVC Windows

When looking for a double-glazing quote, you should be aware of the advantages. Houses and buildings with double-glazed windows are designed to keep heat in and cold out. When compared to single-glazed units, double-glazed units provide twice the insulation.

The use of two panes of glass (separated by an air layer) in a residential window is referred to as double glazing. This provides an additional layer of insulation to your home, preventing heat loss via the windows. Single panes of glass were previously used in windows, which proved to be an excellent heat conductor. According to continuing research, putting the second pane of glass with a sealed pocket of air (or gas) in the centre lowers heat loss through windows significantly. Because double-glazed windows were not required in new residences until 2007, many New Zealand homes still have inefficient single-pane windows.

uPVC Double Glazing

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) is a lightweight, high-strength, low-maintenance plastic construction material. It has acquired appeal in the home remodelling industry as an alternative to painted lumber because of its many benefits, including resistance to chemicals, sunlight, and oxidation from water. It is appropriate for double-glazed windows and doors since it is low-cost and low-maintenance. uPVC roofline goods include downpipes, guttering, and fascia.

The Benefits

The kind of glass used in double glazing systems can have a significant influence. Low-E glass is the most energy-efficient kind of glass (Low Emissivity). Heat is reflected off the glass by a thin covering of Metal Oxide. This is an optional upgrade for your uPVC windows! Double glazing with a uPVC frame makes sense if you want to keep your house warm, healthy, and modern. Eco Auckland should be your first choice if you need to update your home.

Eco Auckland

If you believe that uPVC windows and doors are the best solutions for you, please contact Eco Auckland. Our experienced staff will help you with everything from product selection to installation and maintenance of your uPVC goods, ensuring that you get the results you need from your glass and joinery. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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